#and she was like ‘… that means you’re ambidextrous’ and i was like ‘haha what’
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a-passing-storm · 2 years ago
I did too much drawing and writing so I’m writing with my left hand now, and I’m reminded of how weird it is that I’m ambidextrous.
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thepropertylovers · 5 years ago
Feature Friday with Christopher Wiacek
Happy Friday! How are you feeling this week? It doesn’t really feel like a Friday to us, since we’re home everyday and the kiddos are out of school, but we’re doing our best to celebrate it anyway with music and biscuits to start the weekend off right. Hope you’re doing the best you can, friend, and enjoy Christopher’s Feature Friday, where shares his perspective on life, loss, and realizing where he truly belongs. Check out what we mean below…
On his love for the Brits: I think my favorite place that I’ve ever traveled to would have to be London, England. I’ve been there twice, once in 2010 and the other in 2016. I’m a massive Harry Potter fan, so a lot of the second trip was based around seeing Cursed Child on the West End (which my friend and I bought tickets to before even buying flights/a place to stay). I’ve always found British things to be weirdly exotic to me, and the history behind much of the culture is what draws me to it. 
On growing up and a sense of longing: I grew up in the suburbs of Syracuse, NY.  Overall, Syracuse is actually relatively conservative, with the exception of the communities that I grew up with. I was a part of the theater community growing up, so most of the people I interacted with from a young age were pretty liberal overall, which translates to my views today. Most of my family and friends have all been super nurturing and supportive, with the exception of a few here and there. 
I went to a pretty large high school (there were over 3,000 kids overall and 900+ seniors in my graduating class!). It’s true what they say though- in this period of my life, high school seems like a million lifetimes in the past. I was a part of the chorus/theater crowd in high school. I had a few good friends, but ultimately never really felt like I was meant to stay in Syracuse for the rest of my life. I had that feeling from a young age, and I’ve always had my eyes on the big city. I fell in love with acting and the arts, and after graduating high school, I went to SUNY Fredonia, which I currently hold a Bachelor's in Fine Art in Acting. Once I graduated, I worked my way up the corporate latter at Wegmans (an amazing supermarket chain in the Northeast), and eventually got burned out by retail. Throughout all of this, I was auditioning, doing shows and trying to live out my best creative life while also paying those adult bills that seem to build up. 
On the importance of community: I think that growing up in Syracuse was very much a melting pot of many different environments for me. I was always extremely curious about everything during my childhood and had an intense imagination. That still is true today, although my imagination/curious nature has been a bit affected by reality. I also grew up doing competitive gymnastics, so I learned discipline at a young age from that. That was four nights a week during the year and on top of regular school. To round it out, I was raised Catholic, though I don’t really identify as a Catholic anymore. I think the importance of community was imbedded in me while growing up in multiple different ways. I always felt like I needed to be a part of something bigger than I was. Growing up with doing gymnastics, theater,  and other activities that kept me active really shaped me on who I am today. 
On one interesting fact: I am ambidextrous and use both my hands equally for daily tasks. My dad is the same way! Sometimes it can get a little annoying because I oftentimes have to stop and think for a split second which hand to use that will have a better result of what I am doing. It’s fun though because my mind works in weird ways where I’m not necessarily bound by one certain way of doing something. 
On what he loves about himself: My persistence. Over the past eight months, I’ve learned to love this part of myself even more than I ever have before. I think I inherit this from my parents, because of my ability to pick myself up off the ground and keep moving forward no matter what has been a driving force for me. I’ve had this drive for practically my whole life, in college getting papers/projects finished, in life, getting DIY projects completed, etc. Overall, the will to keep moving forward no matter what is one thing I really do love about myself. 
“I’ve learned though, that the people who truly love and care about you will stick by your side no matter who you love or who you’re attracted to. At the end of the day, all they care about is your happiness, and that’s how it should be.”
On what brings him joy: This answer has changed so much over the past few years. At first, it was acting/performing (which still brings me a lot of joy when I get to do it), then it was doing DIY projects (I love redoing furniture, building things and HGTV is my JAM).  But as I get older, the one thing that honestly brings me the most joy is my family. I absolutely love my parents and my siblings. We aren’t together as a whole too often, because we all live in different parts of the country currently, but when we are together, it's amazing. 
On coming out: This answer is a bit scary and muddled because I was out to my friends long before I told anyone else. I came out to my family though when I was 26, so not too long ago. I still lived at home at the time and was trying to save up to eventually get my own place. I told my sister first because from what I can even remember about this night, I was at my exes Formal event for his fraternity. I had messaged her and told her over a text,  and she was immediately non-judgmental. To bring it back, I had started seeing my now ex about 4 months earlier and started to feel the pressure to come out because I was getting tired of lying, sneaking and overall just not being truthful to people. I’m sure we all go through this at some point, but I was reaching a breaking point. My story is a bit of a cop-out, to be honest in my opinion. The story goes that I was driving the 45 min to Cornell’s campus to see the guy I had been dating. It was pretty late at night, probably around 11:30 pm, and I got pulled over for speeding. In short, I got a ticket in a small town that no one apart from the people I was going to see knew where I was. I started to get nervous because I was still on my parents' car insurance at the time. They would know eventually that I got a ticket because the bill would increase and they’d be notified etc etc. I decided to use the ticket as my way to do it, and beat them to the punch. I came home the next day and both my parents were in the kitchen. I basically told them that I had gotten a ticket, and they asked why I was in Dryden (the small town) at 11:30 pm on a weeknight. I told them I was seeing someone who went to Cornell, and when they asked who, I told them his name. The initial response was not what I expected…I think the stereotype is that your mom will take it better than your dad, but this is not the case with me. My mom didn’t take it so well, and my dad told me I could date whoever I wanted.  I was a bit surprised, but overall a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. 
On feeling more comfortable over time: My friends had all practically known for a while and were all pretty supportive when I told them. I was also in a relationship at the time too, so I at least had my now ex to turn to and didn’t really care what people thought anymore. My older brother and my younger sister were both actually really cool about it. My parents overall were okay with it in time, but at first, they didn’t really understand. It has taken a while for them to be comfortable with the fact, but I think just talking to them is what helped.  I also came out to one of my good friends in a text message, and his reply was one of the nicest and funniest things. I screen-shotted the message and still have it in my favorited photos on my phone. I don’t think I necessarily faced any harsh backlash, other than just feeling a little uncomfortable talking about all of that stuff with my parents.  On a daily basis, we basically have to come out every time we meet someone new. Luckily for me now, I live in the most liberal/accepting city ever (NYC!), so practically everyone is gay haha. I’m a lot more comfortable with everything now, and it honestly just took some time. 
On learning not to care what others think: I think during that whole process (which is still sort of an ongoing process for me), I’ve learned that other people's opinions just don’t matter at the end of the day. I’ve stopped caring so much about my appearance and how I was acting to “appease the people”, or adhere to the “straight norms” of society. I also have never been single and out until the last 8 months, so it’s been a bit lonely, scary and unnerving at times. I’ve learned though, that the people who truly love and care about you will stick by your side no matter who you love or who you’re attracted to. At the end of the day, all they care about is your happiness, and that’s how it should be. 
On his advice to LGBTQ+ youth: I would tell today’s LGBTQ youth that everything you hear about “it gets better” can be true. Understanding your own identity or feelings can be hard enough without all the fear and anxiety that comes with thinking that you won’t be accepted by the people you care most about. I totally get that, because I lived in that world so so long. It’s one of the reasons why I didn’t come out for so long.  It’s also important to realize that you’re not alone. It may feel that way, but there are amazing resources, organizations, and materials that positively represent the LGBTQ community that you can use to educate the people who care the most about you. If someone truly cares about you and your happiness, they shouldn’t care who you love at the end of the day. Love is love. It’s more important now that ever in our society to be really aware of all of the homophobia, transphobia, and prejudices that are out there, and fight for what you believe in. It may be super scary to come out, but once you do, there’s a magical world that will embrace you. You’ll have a glow-up and the weight of everything will finally start to ease.  
On taking it “one day at a time”: I think that this past summer, the trifecta of obstacles hit me at the same time. I lost my boyfriend, my home and my job, all in a matter of five days. Mind you, this was also in the midst of NYC World Pride. To go onto more detail, I had to find a new place to live because my roommate was not re-signing the lease and nor was I on the last apartment that we shared. It wasn’t a great living situation, and it became official at this time when the lease renewal papers arrived. On top of this, I was dumped by my now ex of almost three years, seemingly out of the blue, or at least it seemed that way to me. It was a massive upheaval in my life, seeing as though I was dumped right before World Pride, and all of our plans sort of blew up. The relationship was very codependent on both sides, so figuring out what I was to do next really threw me for a loop. I had to start my life over from rock bottom and navigate the world with practically an emotional hole blown through me. I was much closer to his family than he was to mine, mainly because of the distance. After trying to cope with this breakup that following weekend and taking a trip home to Syracuse to spend time with family/friends, I came back to NYC on Monday only to work a full day and then get laid off at 4:00 pm. I think at this point, I sort of shut down internally and the old Chris was so beaten down by everything that he was “past a point of no return” and sort of died inside. 
I had lost all of the main pillars of my life, and everything completely had fallen apart in such a short time period. To basically lose the group of people that I considered something like a second family was devastating. Once this happened, I decided to go home to my actual family in Syracuse for a few weeks to take a break from the city and recuperate. In this time, I mainly focused on my body and working out/trying to take care of myself and not fall even deeper into the abyss of it all. While away in Syracuse, I was officially broken up with via text message from the relationship. I had found also out my ex was on Grindr basically a day after dumping me (and from what I’ve found out since he had been on it multiple times during the course of our monogamous relationship too…).  
During this period, I basically started to have a mental breakdown, because I had no idea what to do next. On top of dealing with the normal everyday stresses of living in NYC, I was now having to deal with a really painful breakup, needing to find a place to live AND finding a new job. There were a lot of stressors nagging at me, mainly my source of income. To even find a new place, I had to first find a job that would make me financially stable and form some sort of budget. There were so many pieces of the puzzle that needed to be filled in, that it was honestly mind-boggling.  
It’s been about 8 months now since all of this happened, and it’s been a long and hard road. I had my “Britney” moment and shaved my head because I was sick of dealing with my hair (this actually turned out kind of cool and created a whole new look for myself). I went platinum around Thanksgiving and have kept it this way since. I also had applied to over 75 jobs over the course of the summer and went on countless interviews and phone interviews. I was super aggressive in job hunting and had finally procured a great job at a tech firm in the Financial District towards the end of September. As for the apartment woes, I couch crashed on some close college friends' couches for a few weeks. After that, I found a temporary cheap room in a tiny Brooklyn apartment that had no door, no closet (A challenge, I know, but I made it work!), and roommates I did not know. Money was tight, but I had to do what I had to do to survive in order to stay in the city. I now am living with two great friends in upper Manhattan in a really cute apartment that has a door AND a closet). So, life is looking up! 
For the relationship side of things… It’s been a long road of healing. I must have read every single self-help book in Barnes and Noble, in addition to seeking out the advice of friends and family to talk about it. I even wrote a letter to my ex’s mom. Being that I was pretty close with his family throughout the relationship, I thought it was a respectful thing to do to send a “thank you�� letter for all of the things that they did for me while I was dating her son. To be completely honest, I thought I would have heard back with some sort of response or well wishes for the future. Instead, it’s been a cold turkey moment, and I never heard back… nor have I heard from anyone in that whole community that I spent the better part of three years with. I guess it goes to show you that the people who really care about you will reach out, and the ones that don’t care…. won't. Ultimately, I’ve never been out and single at the same time, so it’s been quite the turbulent journey that I’ve had to overcome. I’m still healing, but I’ve pretty much adhered to the “one day at a time” method. 
On his biggest inspiration: My biggest inspiration would have to be my parents. Both of them have persevered over the years in multiple different ways, and have always provided for my siblings and I. They have both faced extreme challenges, but have really set a great example for us growing up. I hope I get to be the type of parents they are to me to my future children. 
On looking ahead: I think in five years, I hope to still have a stable job, a beautiful home and a relationship that fosters into a family of my own. I think I mainly hope to just be happy, regardless of the financial situation I am in. 
On what really matters: Life comes at you fast, and you have to be ready to meet it with perseverance and grace. Otherwise, if you don’t, you can get easily eaten up along the way and lose yourself to the madness of it all.  Stay true to who you are, and trust in the universe that everything always happens for a reason. 
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jeidafei · 6 years ago
D.Gray-Man Vol.26: Komui’s Lounge (Extended) 1/5
Featuring: Marie, Bak, Lavi, Wisely, Allen, Link
(T/N: We got 31 questions this time. It really is extended! I’ve broken it up into five parts for convenience of translating and scrolling.
Let’s start with the onslaught of the usual Kanda questions...)
Lavi: G’afternoon y’all! As always, welcome to the Komui’s-Lounge-where-Komui-doesn’t-show-up-again-this-time! And first up is...ME~~! (Pull crackers)
Link: Keep it down, Bookman Jr.
Bak: And now, the time is ripe. At long last, my debut has come! And I made it on the page before Komui, too! MUHAHAHAHAHA!!
Marie: I’m not very good at this kind of thing...but I’ll do my best.
Wisely: And here comes the Noah of the Demon Eye, Wisely~~!! Back for his second session! (Holds up two victory signs).
Allen: Wait a moment. There seems to be two deceased among us?
Lavi: Hey, I’m not even confirmed deceased yet!!!
Allen: Nobody’s saying it’s you, Lavi. Well, it’s actually you, anyway.
Lavi: Allen, you were just calling for me back in Vol.24′s lounge, didn’t you? What’s with all this darkness right from the get-go, meanie!?
Allen: I haven’t been able to eat at all, and I’m irritated. 
Link: (lays a hand on Allen’s shoulder) Just forget about everything in the main narrative for now, Walker. The freshness of this discussion lounge is fading quick, and now the author’s already using trial and error.
Allen: Reckless move on the author’s part.
Wisely: Even so, it seems the author didn’t intend to bring out Bookman Jr. at first, though. Just that there was a truly unsolvable issue... 
Lavi: Damn you, Hoshino...But yes, that’s what happened! The thing is, this time the most questions are directed at me! The fans are calling out to me! I heard their voices! How can I not be here for them! (heart)
Allen: Even though I can answer questions about you just fine.
Lavi: With messed-up answers, more like.
Link: Walker, here are some doughnuts, so would you cheer up already? And you, Bookman Jr, don’t get too carried away. We went over the word-count limit last two times, and both the editor and designer sent an e-mail to warn us to stay within the limit this time. All pointless talk is prohibited from all of you!
Allen, Lavi, Wisely: Roger~~
Marie: Haha...(wry grin) Having the Inspector here really is a help.
Bak: Oi, haven’t you lot been forgetting about me from the start......!?
Question 1: Kanda had a little pouch hanging from his neck when he returned to Marie and Lenalee. What was in that pouch?
Allen: You can always count on a question for Kanda, huh.
Lavi: Yeah, ain’t Yu gettin’ a little too popular? By the way, ain’t this supposed to start off with a question for me?
Wisely: Well, it’s because there’s also a wagonload of questions for Yu Kanda as ever. What a sinful lad...
Link: You there! No pointless chatter!
Bak: Huh...? He had a pouch? We disposed of those clothes Kanda was wearing after he swapped it in for the Order uniform at the Asian Branch, but there wasn’t any pouch.
Marie: Ah, that’s because I’m keeping it for him. The little drawstring pouch, right? Seems to be silver coins in there.
Allen: Money?!!! (clatter)
Lavi: Calm down, Allen!
Marie: There was this old lady who took care of Kanda’s every need back then, and she gave it to him, said it’s for travel expenses....sorry, that’s all I know.
Lavi: ........That so?
Allen: Kanda will definitely turn out like Master someday. (hmph!)
Marie: Looks like he barely used any of it, though.
(T/N: aight guys, now we know the true reason Allen decided to tag along with Kanda, right? right?)
Question 2: Is Kanda right-handed or left-handed?
Lavi: Yu agaaain?
Link: He’s ambidextrous, isn’t he?
Allen: Eh? Is that so?
Link: It’s something you’d notice right away.
Lavi: After all the time you spent fighting with him and you still didn’t know, Allen? Yu’s punches hurt like freakin’ hell no matter which fist he used, right?
Allen: Makes me sick just thinking about it.
Marie: Exactly, Kanda’s ambidextrous.
Bak: By the way, Alma was also ambidextrous, you know.
(T/N: damn, that stab in the heart when I have to go back and correct is into was...)
Wisely: By the way, over to the Noahs, the Millennium Count is ambidextrous.
Question 3: After the Second Exorcist sigil’s power deteriorated, Kanda now has hangover. Will he also be more vulnerable to illnesses like the cold? 
Lavi: Yu again...? Now I’m starting to think Hoshino is trolling behind this!
Allen: He’s an idiot, and idiots don’t catch colds! NEXT!
Wisely: Well, if he does catch colds more easily then it’s good news for us Noahs. But if he’s such an idiot, guess it can’t be helped.
Marie: Hey, watch it. (sweat)
Link: Stop fooling about and answer properly!
Bak: Allow me, current patriarch of the Chang clan, to enlighten you. Just because the sigil’s power has weakened, doesn’t mean Kanda’s body will become very weak as a result. Though his extraordinary regenerative ability will be impaired, the bodies of Second Exorcists are also designed for battle, so he’d probably still be far more sturdy than normal people. Even so, unless he keeps a balanced diet from now on, there’s a possibility he might fall ill. He eats nothing but soba, doesn’t he? That won’t do!
Question 4:  Those...flying needles?...that Howard Link was throwing about? What are they for? The Crows have had them in the past too, and I’m curious.
Link: Those are called Shibari (嘴針 lit. Beak Needle. T/N: “shibari” also sounds the same as “Shibari-bane”, the Crow’s binding feathers, but uses a different Kanji). Even amongst Crows, it’s a weapon reserved for the elite members. A single needle can unleash power equal to a hundred feathers (those binding feathers, flame feathers, confining feathers, etc. that Crows frequently use). The Shibari I have are the ones Master Zu used back in the day, so they’re an old model, but even now they still work very well. Though they can be a little unwieldy to carry about, in times you run out of feathers you can still fight just using Shibari. And for me right now, in particular, it’s also a way to save up on feathers, so it’s a very handy weapon.
Allen: Huh? What do you mean by “for me right now”?
Link: I have chocolate doughnuts, too, Walker.
Allen: WEE-HEE! (chomp!)
Wisely: Careful, boy...he’s tricking you with those doughnuts...
Link: Would you like some, too?
Wisely: WEE-HEE! (chomp!)
Lavi: I heard from Gramps, though. Looks like the Crows’ abilities are developed by the Chang Clan, right?
Bak: Aha. The Crow Unit was established by Grandfather Zu in his younger days. Even now, the Chang Clan is still responsible for manufacturing all the feathers, needles and other weapons the Crows use. 
Marie: I see. So this is why the Asian Branch Supervisor position is passed down the Chang bloodline. The Chang Clan must have been indispensable for the Central, right?
Bak: Well, I guess.
Allen: I’ve been wondering for a long time. Why are the Changs able to use such awesome magic?
Wisely: It will be a long story, so we’d better drop it for the sake of the word count.
Link: If it’s going to eat up precious space, then let’s leave it for now.
Question 5: Do Lavi and Bookman still remember their original names?
Lavi: YAAAAAAAAAY~~  ! Finally~~! The answer’s Nooooooooooo-peeeeee! From the time I became Gramp’s heir, my name was erased!
Allen: Hey Lavi, why must Bookmen discard their real names? Isn’t it painful?
Marie: You’re one who cherishes his name, huh, Allen.
Bak: Do you really have to go that far in order to be a recorder of alternate history?
Link: Now that you mention it, we’ve received many questions on the Bookmen’s fake aliases.
Lavi: While we’re a Junior, we have to change our names every time we change the place of our log. Because those names will become the title of our logs. Thus, the log for this Holy War will be titled “Lavi”. Makes it easy to search for logs this way. As for whether it’s painful to lose my real name...hmmm, well...frankly, I don’t really know. Since me becoming a Bookman was something that can’t be helped, too. By the way, Gramps is the one who named all the logs.
Wisely: Uh-hmmm. Come to think of it, the name Lavi seems to be...
Lavi: What?
Wisely: Nah, nuffink. (munch munch). Blimey, these doughnuts sure are delicious.
Allen: Hey! You’re eating too many!
Question 6: How did Lavi and Bookman earn money for expenses during travels? The Allen way?
Allen: What do you mean by my way?
Lavi: Means gambling, of course. Ain’t it?
Wisely: Swindling Mafia bosses then fleeing with winnings and the like?
Bak: Mafia!? (falsetto)
Marie: So that’s what you’ve been up to, Allen!? That’s no good! You’re still a kid, aren’t you? Lenalee would wail if she ever hears you’ve been doing such dangerous things.
Allen: Please, please don’t tell Lenalee! I beg you, Marie! (googly eyes).
Link: No matter how adorable a face you manage to make, Noise Marie won’t be able to see it, Walker. We’ll have you tell us all about this later in detail, so for now let’s return to Bookman Jr. 
Allen: Eeehhh!?
Lavi: Where were we? Oh, travel expenses, right? Well, members of the Bookman clan are everywhere and they help us out, so both me and Gramps don’t have to work for money.
Marie: You mean you have relatives all over the world?
Lavi: Yup! The whole clan comes together to support the Bookman as the clan’s leader, so Bookman can focus on his logs. 
Bak: I never knew the Bookman Clan is such a large-scale thing.
Lavi: Well, since everyone conceals their Bookman lineage and outwardly leads normal lives, it’s no surprise nobody knows.
Allen: Why do they have to hide?
Lavi:  Hm? It’s a secret!
>> Part 2 <<
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purplesurveys · 3 years ago
survey by joybucket
The A Survey
Do you live in the United States of America? Nope.
If not, have you ever been to America? No, never been.
Do yo know anyone named America? Other than the actress America Ferrera, no.
Do you know anyone named Annan? No. I’ve also never heard of that name before, but it sounds nice.
What is your favorite type of art to create? Well I don’t make my own artwork because creativity has never been my forte, but I do like painting as long as there’s a template to follow. I actually painted for the first time in two years this weekend! It was a lot of fun and I realized how much I missed it.
Would you ever want to be an astronaut? You kidding? It’s all I ever wanted to be as a kid. I wanted to fight fires while also being able to land on the moon.
Do you prefer red apples or green apples? I dislike both as they’re...well, fruits hahaha. But I kind of like the flavor of green apples a teeny bit more, like if I have it in candy.
Would you rather drink apple cider cold or hot? I’ve never tried apple cider. I’ve honestly never even been sure what exactly cider is.
Have you ever ridden on an Amtrak train? If yes, where did you go? No, I’m not sure I know what that is either. But I also don’t ride trains in general, not even our own, so.
Do you like the name Alex better for a girl or a boy? I don’t think it suits a particular gender better.
List ten words that rhyme with "ant." Pant, grant, transplant, rant, celebrant, fragrant, descendant, want, warrant, militant.
How many aunts do you have? I mean, in Filipino terms? It’s probably in the hundreds. I don’t even know how to properly start counting this because every older woman that you’re close to (that isn’t your mom) is considered an aunt.
Are you an aunt? No, not yet. I can’t wait for my friends and cousins to have kids so I can start being one though!
What is your favorite Asian cuisine? Korean, Malaysian, Indonesian, and Indian. It’s impossible to choose one; Asian food is amazing.
Are you ambidextrous? No, I can barely do anything with my left hand if it’s not being supported by my right.
List five famous people whose names start with A. Adele, Ashley Tisdale, Asa Butterfield, Angelina Jolie, Alexander Skarsgard (hi, @lovemesomesurveys! Haha).
Do you like the name Aspen? It’s giving me hipster vibes but it’s not terrible.
Do you own an apron? No, I have no use for one as I can’t even begin making anything in the kitchen without feeling like bursting into tears LOL
What age has been your favorite so far? 23 was great! I’d say 16 was also a lot of fun.
Which boy's name do you like best out of these: Aaron, Aiden, Andrew, Alex, or Asa? Alex.
Which girl's name do you like best out of these: Alexa, Alonna, Apple, Amber, or Aurora? Aurora. All these names are cute, though.
Have you ever seen the aurora borealis? I haven’t.
Is your middle name Ann or Anne? They are neither, and mine doesn’t even start with an A.
List five people you know of who have Ann or Anne for their middle name. There was a bunch of people from high school who had Anne middle names. 
Did you have to read the novel Anne of Green Gables for school? Nope.
Do you like Anne of Green Gables? I’ve never read it.
List five things you find amazing. BTS, people who can cook, the internet, air conditioners, and museums.
Do you own anything from Aeropostale? No.
List five things you associate with Asian culture. Filial piety, strict parents, flavorful cuisines, LOTS of festivals, religion.
What are some of your favorite Asian names? Michiko (Japanese) and Haru (Korean). I’m not very knowledgable when it comes to common names in other countries though, and here in the Philippines names are already super Westernized.
Has anyone ever told you you were amazing? Sure.
Do you know anyone named Aimee? I do. She was a classmate in college and she was also briefly my workmate. Very nice and chill girl who gets along with everyone.
What is your favorite accent (British, Southern, Asian, etc.)? Whatever Florence Pugh’s accent is hahaha. I always use her as a reference don’t I?
What is your favorite aroma? The scents that waft out from coffee shops and bakeries.
Do you have ADD or ADHD? Nopes.
How many times has your address changed? I’m going to guess four times, but I wouldn’t know for sure as my parents moved a handful of times when I was still an infant.
Have you ever sprained your ankle? Yes, once. It came from an embarrassing accident, i.e. me having a bad fall in front of an ongoing rally in college. I could still remember the way they stopped chanting just to stare at me, not knowing what the fuck they were supposed to do lmao; I don’t even blame them for freezing up and not helping because my fall was so stupidly random. Anyway, this nice dude helped me to get back up and wobble back to my car. My ankle ended up being sprained for a couple of days, though.
What places have you flown to on an airplane? Shanghai, Bali, Singapore, and a bunch of places all around the country. We’re relatively small but we’re also a bunch of islands, so we usually have to take a plane if we want to go to another province. We arrived in Malaysia via car coming from Singapore; and as for Korea and Japan those were actually cruise stops that originated in Shanghai, so for those places I didn’t arrive via plane.
Do you like the name Agatha? A little too old-fashioned for my taste, but it’s okay. 
List five fictional characters whose names start with A. Alice Cullen, Aladdin, Andy from Toy Story, Ariel from The Little Mermaid, Apu from The Simpsons.
How many of these words do you know the meaning of: allegory, abacus, ambidextrous, ample, azure? One of them is a shade; one of them is an adjective referring to being skilled with both hands; one is a literary device; one is a synonym for sufficient; another is an ancient kind of calculator, hahaha.
Are you an alien? Erm, no? 
Do you believe in aliens? Extraterrestrial life in general, yes.
How many of these words would you say describes you: artistic, ambitious, animated, annoying, attentive? Two - ambitious and attentive.
Have you ever watched the show Animaniacs? No.
List five things you like about autumn. Can’t relate.
Have you ever swam in the Atlantic Ocean? No.
Do you know anyone who's joined the Army? Other than a friend’s cousin’s dad, nobody.
How many of these words do you know the meaning of: ambiguous, arduous, ardent, aristocratic, andromeda? All of them but I’m too lazy to define each this time; I didn’t know there was going to be more than one round of these lol.
Which of these do you want to be more of: adventurous, ambitious, artistic, attentive, accomplished? Artistic. I really wish I can make paintings and portraits of my own, but I’m just genuinely incapable of translating them to art.
Do you feel like you've accomplished anything yet with your life? Yes; all the things I’ve put on my bucket list I’ve managed to reach at some point. I'm always wishing I could do more, though.
What are five things you want to accomplish before you do? I don’t really get the phrasing of this question, but anyway...I’d like to be a successful manager, I want to win at least one PR pitch in my career, I want to have my own place, I’d love to travel to a different continent with my own money, and I want to learn cooking at least one dish.
What is your favorite anime series, if you read them? I don’t read animes. BTS is no exception because even though they’ve released two webtoons, I’ve refrained from reading them hfdjkhjdk it’s just not something I’ve ever been interested in. Sorry boys – maybe one day, but not today lol.
Do you watch anime? Nothing else other than Pokemon.
Do you wear an apron when you cook or bake? No, but in the rare times you’ll find me helping out in the kitchen I will put my hair up and such.
Does your home have an attic? No; we have a rooftop instead.
^If so, have you ever been in the attic? --
Have you ever been afraid there were monsters or vampires hiding in your attic? Not in the attic but I’m always scared of putting my foot out and letting it hang from the edge of my bed at night, haha.
List five things you can use Alfredo sauce for. Pasta, pizza, chicken...aaaand I’m out.
List ten words that rhyme with "amp." Lamp, tramp, scamp, damp, stamp, clamp, camp, revamp, ramp, cramp.
Do you know what anthropology means? Yes. I also took a course on it in college so I have a good idea haha.
Has anyone ever apologized to you and later proved they didn't mean it? Not in the way that it was expressed in words, but I’ve seen it exhibited, i.e. when they repeated said offense they initially apologized for.
How many of these words do you know the meaning of: apocalypse, aviation, amplifier, aardvark, ailment? All of these.
Do you know what an aardvark looks like? Yes. I read too many almanacs as a kid, lol.
List five different words to describe five different Ashleys you know. I only know of one Ashley, and I’d say she is approachable.
Have you ever seen an anaconda? I don’t think so.
List ten places on the map that start with A. I’ll skip local places to not give away my location, but anywho...there’s Alaska, Antarctica, Aparri, Apayao, Alabama, Alberta, Anaheim, Abu Dhabi, Andong, and Atlanta.
Do you like almonds? I don’t have them a lot, so I don’t really have a strong opinion.
Do you like almond milk? I don’t think I’ve tried it.
Do you own a MacBook Air? Yes, both my personal and work laptops are Airs. 
Do you know anyone named Arrow? No.
List five celebrities whose names start with A. Another round? Hmm...Anna Kendrick, Alan Alda, Alan Rickman, Audrey Hepburn, and Amy Adams.
List five animals that start with A. Anteater, the aforementioned aardvark, ant, antelope, and ape.
In school, did you prefer Algebra or Art? Algebra.
Have you ever gotten straight A's in a class? Sure, mostly in history.
List five words you associate with the word "acorn." Nuts, squirrels, trees, hard, brown.
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zora-moyashi · 6 years ago
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The atmosphere here was heavy, making one feel on edge like they had to flee
chara's back tingles as if someone's watching her. the temperature here is also much colder than where she just was so she hugs her arms heading to the castle.
it's a pretty barren area so she doesn't feel exactly unsafe knowing she'd see any threat before it could get to her. the castle stands in front of her. she taps her foot wondering if she should knock or something.
She could hear footsteps behind her, the castle was abandoned, falling apart even
she looks behind her
She sees someone who looks a bit like Shatter, though her hair is cut shorter and is white and her eyes pitch black and were dripping.
(EEYY KILLER IS BEST SANS ) she turns to face her. " hello there, you live here?"
"Hell no. are you kidding?" She hissed, grabbing a blade from her pocket, "And you won't be either." (Well, this is the Star version.)
(yee i know ) "pff grouchy aren't we?" she has no intention of fighting at the moment and only plans on dodging. "whyyyy shouldn't i live here? hobo's gotta squat somewhere."
"Well, even if you tried, Either Night or her sister would eat ya." She said, shooting forward, to try and slash.
chara dodges it easily knowing what was coming hopping onto and quickly off of killer putting distance between them.
"okay cool. not a problem for me~ but why do YOU dislike them so much? they going to eat you too?"
Killer kept up her attack, though she did keep up the conversation as well. "I don't dislike them per-say, And no, I am not on the menu."
" not that i don't like a good fight, but can't you chill for a second!" the knife was getting rather close and with the speed of the slashes chara was getting jumpy.
"Sorry, but no." Killer said, her actions were coordinated, showing she had a lot of practice
"where do you live then?" she concentrates indego magic in her feet and jump over killer landing roughly in the sand a few yards away
Killer turned sharply, attacking again and again. "Roughly 2 clicks south of here. Ain't too bad really." By her tone she seemed bored
she summons her knife for defense knowing a real shield wouldn't help her much with killer. "cool whatever. do you want me to kill you or are you just doing this for fun because it's getting less amusing every second." she glares blocking a few blows with the knife.
"Honestly, this is rather boring to me, but someone has to, Night hates strangers in this area." Killer said, using sharp nails to try and get a grasp on Chara.
"uhgg so you're a pawn? great." she grabs killer's arm and twists it backwards. "but i'm sick of this." she jabs for her stomach with her knife glowing bright red.
Killer flipped, dislocating her own arm to kick Chara to the ground. "I prefer the term proxy, Icubex and Cresent are pawns."
she slid on the dusty ground on her back from the kick. she mumbles to herself "this damn body is much too light" she get's right back up. "so how good are with your knife on you're other arm there hon? by the way what's your name?" she coughs from the dust in her lungs.
"I'm ambidextrous, and Killer." She said, using her left hand, with the same amount of skill
"luckyyy" "and killer's a dumb name."
"Yes, it is, honestly I prefer, Yuma." she said, before actually putting her blade away.
chara slowly goes out of her fighting position and folds her arms, knife still in hand. "well? are you done yuma? or are ya gonna stab me in the back?"
"You seem skilled enough, perhaps Night may find you, acceptable." Yuma said
"pff alright. it was a test. i was assuming nightmare or someone was doing something important in there so you were the guard dog." she shrugs "but hey i'll take it." she puts out her arm towards the castle. "lead the way madam~"
"Actually Nightmare is asleep and is south." Yuma pointed in the opposite direction.
she makes a grumpy face and accepts it going that way.
Yuma then teleported away
she wanders and wanders not thrilled with the scenery. 'i swear if she's lying to me.' she thinks to herself. "okay let's speed this up." she puts another coat of indigo on her feet and she hops her way in the direction with ease and speed.
She did notice that the atmosphere drew drearier, similar to when she had met Vantablack and Blood.
'cool, maybe i am actually going the right way' she hums happily. she came upon some dead trees and then it practically turned into a forest. next to it there's a craggy area so the dust area she was in ended and she starts to walk again.
"trees or rocks." she ponders rocking her head back and forth.
(i have been drawing so much lately lol) "Why not both? Or did I spike a curiosity growth?" a sing-sang voice snickered
(yess~ ink would be proud. ) she glances around. "yo, you another proxi?" she asks in no direction in particular.
"Oh no I'm not~ But that would be a pleasant thought." the voice giggled.
it's irritating chara she can't pin point where the voice is coming from. "oh yeah? seems like it's a little demeaning. killer doesn't seem so thrilled about it." chara slowly looks around once again.
"Killer isn't proud of her role. And is finding me your goal?"
"i mean depends on who you are. haha~"
"My name is LJ! And that is all I have to say!"
"well LJ, nice to meet you? or something of the sort." she decides to start moving. still keeping as alert as she can going through the dead trees.
She soon saw what she was after, in a large dead tree, a star covered in a black coating was sleeping,
she stands a good distance away "nightmare, i've been looking for you."
she says it loud enough she assumed it would wake her.
The star raised her head, showing she was missing her left eye. "And why would a human want an audience with me?" She asked, Chara say Killer as well as two other stars appear from behind the trees.
"She's the one I told you about." Killer said
chara keeps in a laugh that she didn't know why it was forming. "ah, well there are multiple reasons. the main one being I want to join your group. i have a goal to collect star shards." she considers that to be enough information for them.
One of the stars laughed, She had stringing black hair and red eyes. Killer elbowed the laughing star. Nightmare looked at Chara, glaring slightly.
chara stares down nightmare. "did i say something funny?"
"How about this, the blood moon is suspected in about 6 days, you can stay until then, during the blood moon, you have to prove yourself." Nightmare said
"oh cool~" she chirps smiling contently. "what do i do at that time?"
"Fight other Genocide stars who want the same role." Killer said
she hums not particularly liking those requirements remembering blood and shatter whooping her. "fair enough."
she looks over to the star with red eyes questioningly about the laugh still.
"Then welcome to the club, for now at least." Nightmare said, before yawning
(she's so thrilled)
The one with the red eyes was actually also missing her left eye, she seemed somewhat close to Killer.
(She's sleepy, Nightmare is nocturnal)
(makes sense. she's a little owl awww so cute.) "thank you~ glad to join." she says. chara looks to the last star that she hasn't paid attention to.
She had white hair with red tips and a large scar on her face that looked kinda like an 'x' her scarf ended in something similar to claws, she was messing with her rifle.
Chara hasn't seen a rifle or any gun for that matter besides the empty revolver in the underground ever sense she was a part of asreil and shot over and over. She instantly shivers at the sight of it.
Killer noticed this. "What? She's a sniper." She said
She waves dismissively, "it's nothin Yuma, just bad memories." She walks over to her and her friend
Her friend, the one with the red eye, Looked at Chara with a grin, "You look like a bloody runt." She hissed
chara glares at her. "something against little people? it's not even my body so how mad can i get." she's clearly not happy about it though.
The star laughed. Killer face palmed.
chara folds her arms
"Come on Horror, this is why no one likes you." Killer growled.
chara hops up and down in front of horror. "i cant tell if you're just weird or if you don't want me here. I'll assume it's the former." she looks back at killer completely out of her element and is wondering what all of them are going to do. seems killer is the one that she's going to cling to. that means she'll have to deal with horror.
Horror watched Chara jump. "Nah, I'm just weird." She snickered.
"You’re a bloody zombie is what you are." Killer growled at horror
"we have that common i suppose~" she glances back at the star with the gun before turning back and asking "so what do you guys do on a daily basis?" she rocks on her heels
"Simple, kill anything that enters the area," She said, aiming her rifle to the east before firing.
"how many things really come here? i mean look at this place" she waves her arms.
"More than one would think." Killer said.
chara hums out a sound of acknowledgement. "are there more of you guys?"
she waves around "who's LJ?"
"Oh, you must have met her, well she's kinda like you, an insane human." The star with the gun said
"Says the disgusting fusion." Horror sneered, before getting shot in the head by the other star.
she goes over to horror confused "you living?:
Horror sat up and growled pulling the bullet out. "You know that hurts like hell!" She hissed.
"yikes." "if this is what you guys do for fun...."
"No, it's what I do when someone pisses me off." The star with the gun said
" you mean ... all of you can take a hit like that and live??" "or do you only hate horror?"
Tumblr media
"No, only Horror can live that kind of hit and not retreat to her stone."
(the one with the gun isn't in that pic)
(crap i wanted to see her, but also that poth in the corner tho) she nods. "a'ight" she puts her hands behind her head relaxing. "any of you want to give me a tour or the run down or should i go fend for my self? don't want to bug you guys."
"Okay, so kill anything that wanders into our turf, and do what ever Night says." Horror said. "And I guess it would be best to leave Moku alone."
"who's moku
"I am." The star with the gun said
"fair." she solutes to the and heads off to find a place to hangout until told to do something else.
There were creeks here and there, just well, normal stuff
she really liked the dilapidated castle but she didn't take yuma's warning lightly so she thinks it better to not.
instead she slides over to the rocky area kicking any pebbles she sees to entertain herself of the journey
She soon came across ruins of a small town, mostly everything was intact, besides some axe marks and bullet holes. Though in one of the buildings, there was a stash of supplies, to make puzzles and gadgets
she digs around and finds a metal pole that she took a liking to. it's like 2 times her size but she starts to carry it around anyway. "wonder who lived here before those guys ransacked the place."
she looks around for any kinds of books or documents, her top priority still being finding a star nest
"Just humans, like me. And is that a new weapon i see?" LJ snicked
she turns to LJ. "ah you're back~ welcome." she pulls the rod up above her swinging it a little. "i'd say it's too big but i like a chalange." she smiles.
"Is that so? But why didn't you go?"
"go where...?" she squints
"away where?"
she slides the pipe back to the ground.
"Back to where you belong. Under the ground for so very long."
she didn't like that
her face grows a little red before turning away and walking.
She saw LJ come out of the shadows, she had one blind eye and one black eye, her arms covered in bandages and a smile curved in her face.
chara gives a short sigh before looking at her. more like a glare really. "is it so wrong to want to live?"
"When you are here. It is a crime dear." LJ sang. Killer teleported in between them, "Janet, the runt is staying with us til the blood moon, got it?"
she pushes past killer eyes blazing the red of her stolen soul and swipes the pipe towards LJ's head
LJ jumps in the air, flipping and landing on a rooftop, laughing.
"F*CK YOU AND YOUR STUPID VOICE." her eyes are chilling out a bit. "i don't deserve to live huh? well I THINK YOU DON"T EITHER"
"Chill out," Killer said, "You can't speak sense to LJ, so don't try."
she slams the pole against the rocky ground below creating a small crater from the impact. her hand is covered in orange magic making her stronger. She makes a frustrated yell/groan. she drags the pipe away from them and away from the little town. 'there wouldn't be anything useful there anyway' she thinks to herself.
Killer sighed, "why are you humans so confusing." She mumbled, before going back to Nightmare
chara's fuming and wants to take LJ by surprise and take her down. she didn't mind her before. she didn’t really care but her soul is just burning with her words. so she circles on back towards the city being as careful not to be seen as she could.
LJ was sitting atop of the clock tower sing. "blood still stains when the sheets are washed, sex don't sleep when the lights are off, kids are still depressed when you dress them up, and syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup~"
she peeks over crates and goes back to the area where she is. she drops the pipe as it wouldn't help. the whole town if full of holes making it easy for her to know where LJ is. peeking through a bullet hole and her soul starts pounding again. she couldn't tell why. perhaps frisk liked this song? she's right below the clock tower and is thinking how to make this work.
"He's still dead when you're done with the bottle, of course it’s a corpse that you keep in the cradle, kids are still depressed when you dress them up, and syrup is still syrup in a sippy cup." LJ sang the clock tower had tons of gears and ropes in it like a maze
chara grinds her teeth together willing herself to calm down. she grabs a rope that looks like it's not moving anywhere. and starts climbing. she slowly lands on a ledge that was stable and continues up the stairs carefully.
LJ sang as she got up, breaking a beam of wood, before throwing it down the clock tower, hitting gears and making other parts fall.
she grabs the wall as debris fall all around her a wood plank breaking another beam "lord" she mumbles. the clock tower creeks and chara'a breathing quickens. when it calmed down she started climbing again.
she grabs another rope and can see the the opening at the top light spilling in.
LJ, jumped down from the outside, climbing down, using beams of wood and metal that were astray.
chara holds in a frustrated groan as she hits her head against the wall to stop her from screaming. she slides back down a rope and hits the ground floor gently. she spots LJ nearly at the bottom. she creates an ax for more coverage than her knife and waits for her to walk her way.
LJ was waiting for her. "You could have asked for me to come down. Since this is my home town."
her jaw pops she was grinding her teeth so hard. her rage took over her strategy. she throws the ax at her and creates a knife following it and attacking at the other side.
LJ jumped and would flip. "All around the town square, the monkey chased the weasel. the monkey thought it was all fun and games, pop goes the weasel~"
(is she an indigo soul?)
"SHUT UP" she whines like she's reverted to when asreil wouldn't go along with her plans as a kid. she chases her and when getting close she makes another one of those sticky bombs that she used on gaster.
(LJ? Well she has the integrity trait, but is corrupted after years and years of physical/sexual abuse from her father, she is however a skilled gymnast, )
LJ snickered as she grabbed some gasoline she had stashed, pouring it on her arms.
(okie yeah good stuff! does her corrupted soul have a different color or trait?)
(a corrupted soul will turn black, dull, so not really.)
(okie) she grabs LJ by the arm just barely and glows orange through her body gripping down as hard as she could trying to snap her bones and kicks at her stomach trying to get her on the ground.
SHe did grab LJ, who had grabbed a match. She them set her own arm ablaze burning Chara's hands. The sun was setting as night began to fall
the light of the fire just made it easier for her as her hand burned she keeps it in her hand and pulls on it abruptly going back in and headbutting her in the gut with as much force as she could.
As soon as Chara let go LJ jumped, she was about to attack Chara when both were grabbed by black tentacles. "What do you think you are doing?!" Nightmare hissed.
"Hi night-night!" LJ laughed, getting a sigh from Nightmare.
(so, through those years of LJ getting abused, Nightmare would always help her sleep and even give her nice dreams, Night does care a lot about LJ 
"she squirms around all her brain can process is 'nononononono' she holds in her screams as she knows it's not a good idea nightmare's much stronger than her.
she gives up and barriers her face in the tentacle below her.
Nightmare set them down and put out the flames on LJ's arm. "I told you not to do this, where did you hid it this time." Nightmare said. LJ pouted childishly before giving Nightmare the matches.
chara stays silent.
Nightmare destroyed the matches, before getting some new bandages. "I have told you so many times, just because you can't feel it, it doesn't mean it isn't hurting you." She growled softly, removing the bandages that were on LJ's arms, showing serious 3rd degree burns. Nightmare then dressed the wounds.
chara looks away from all of this and stuffs her hands in her pockets going to find her pipe again.
Horror tossed it to her. "Kills told me you liked this stick." Horror snickered.
she nods. "thanks horror." she says kinda quiet. she taps it against the ground and looks back at the other two.
"I honestly think it's stupid." A new star said, (it's cross), one of her eyes were purple the other red.
she goes over there to hear what's up
"What? The fact that Moku is still alive? I have heard you complain so much already about that." Killer sighed.
"I mean how Night is still a suck up to LJ, she has other responsibilities, yet she still cares for that childhood friend." Cross growled
"Well, you still act like her d*mn mother, you already finished your promise, yet you come back." Killer reminded
"ah. great." she mumbles to herself. 'they're together. kill her and i'll be on night's list.'
"Old habits are hard to break, you know that." Cross hissed.
"Right, like you would leave your own kits, alone, just because of habit. I'm blind, not dumb, Cross. You still care about Night." Killer answered
she goes up to cross and tugs on her sleave.
Cross looked over, "What do you want?"
she looks up at her
"What?" Cross asked more sternly
that took her a little off guard. she puts a index finger up like she's going to explain something. "how many kits do you have?" she thinks to herself that's a normal question right??? she doesn't know how to get info out of someone she barely knows.
"Oh, two." Cross answered.
she nods "cool, could i play with them sometime?"
"I mean, I guess it would be nice to have an extra pair of hands to help," Cross said to herself, before looking at Killer.
chara looks at killer too
Killer gave a thumbs up. Cross sighed, "okay, follow me."
'this is too easy' she thinks smiling "alright~" she follows.
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littleshirt-bigpants · 8 years ago
Get to know me tag
Rules: Answer these 92 statements and tag 20 people. I dnt have followers but @stateofirrelevancy tagged me and I thought it’d be fun so I’m doing it LAST: 1. Drink: apple juice!! it was so good man
 2. Phone call: to my mom I asked her to get groceries so I could make a sandwich yeah I know exciting 
 3. Text message: “ooh nice” responding to my friend who told me she got a Twitter 
4. Song you listen to: woman by harry styles!!! omg I love it so much it’s my favorite on the album but I love the whole album it makes me want to cry (in a cool way ;)) 
5. Time you cried: A few weeks ago I think?? I busted my leg playing tennis (I’m good now tho lol) HAVE YOU: 6. Dated someone twice: I never even dated someone once thank u very much 
7. Kissed someone and regretted it: nah I only ever kissed someone one time and that was a dare so it was mostly funny no ragrets
8. Been cheated on: can’t be cheated on if u never dated!! life hack
9. Lost someone special: yeah my grandma 
10. Been depressed: I don’t think so?? sometimes I feel listless and unmotivated but not really sad. also I get over that stuff so I don’t think I actually have depression 
11. Gotten drunk and thrown up: no thTs yuck LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS: 
12-14: I like green blue and purple IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU: 15. Made new friends: yeah!! Love those guys 
16. Fallen out of love: nah
17. Laughed until you cried: yea lol
18. Found out someone was talking about you: 
Yeah but I already kinda knew before so it wasn’t a big deal 20. Found out who your friends are: not really?? I assume this is talking about drama where people stop being your friend but no didn’t happen to me this year 
21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: I don’t have facebook too much work GENERAL: 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: look at #21
23. Do you have any pets: used to have a fish named sparky. he lived for 3 years 
24. Do you want to change your name: nah. My name’s alright. I don’t love it but don’t hate it either 
25. What did you do for your last Birthday: went to the city with my friend!! it was fun
26. What time do you wake up: usually 10 if I don’t have school or anything 
27. What were you doing at midnight last night: looking at instagram probably 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: getting my license, harry’s next album, getting into COLLEGE (hopefully omg)
29. When was the last time you saw your mom? Just now she told me to close the window in her room 
30. What is one thing you wish you could change in your life: be better looking!! or smarter idk
31. What are you listening to right now: harry’s album and what’s on the radio. like regular pop stuff 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom: I don’t think so 
33. Something that is getting on your nerves: the fact that my room is the hottest in the whole house and it’s summer and I hate being sweaty but I can’t sleep without blankets it’s annoying 
34. Most visited website: either youtube or buzzfeed
35. Mole/s: one on my hip
36. Mark/s: I have some birthmarks on my fingers and my arm
37. Childhood dream: I wanted to be an editor at a publishing company so I could just read books all day 
38. Hair color: dark brown 
39. Long or short hair: pretty long. Past my butt
40. Do you have a crush on someone: not really. but one time I saw a post that was like “you’re my friend but I would kiss you if u asked” that’s where I’m at with some people 
41. What do you like about yourself: uM idk I guess my eyelashes. kinda lame but it’s true lol
42. Piercings: i got two in each ear. but I want more. Like a third lobe piercing and some cartilage piercings. and I’m on the fence about a nose piercing. but idk because I also h8 pain 
43. Blood type: no idea!! I really want to know but the last time I got a blood test I asked them what it was and they said they didn’t test for type that time, only blood sugar or something. so I still don’t know :/
44. Nicknames? nah my name’s pretty short
45. Relationship status: single lmao 
46. Zodiac: leo
47. Pronouns: she 
48. Favorite TV Show: probably like full house or something like that 
50. Right or left hand: Right. I tried to be ambidextrous when I was younger didn’t work out too well tho
51. Surgery: one time on my teeth
52. Hair dyed in different color: nope. I kinda want highlights or something tho
53. Sport: tennis 
55. Vacation: idk what this question means. but my ideal vacation would be to london!! or New York city
56. Pair of trainers: nikes I guess?? MORE GENERAL: 
57. Eating: I like strawberries. and frozen yogurt
58. Drinking: dude coffee is so good…
62. Want: to get into a good college uGH I’m stressed
63. Get married: Yeah im down 
64. Career: I want to be a human rights lawyer I think
65. Hugs or kisses: both are so nice!!
66. Lips or eyes: eyes 
67. Shorter or taller: taller than me I think. but I’m only 5'2 so that’s not that tall in the first place 
68. Older or younger: both lmao 
70. Nice arms or nice stomach: arMS 
71. Sensitive or loud: sensitive I guess. But loud people are funny so I like them too
72. Hook up or relationship: relationship
73. Troublemaker or hesitant: troublemaker haha HAVE YOU EVER: 
74. Kissed a Stranger: no im boring lmao
75. Drank hard liquor: by accident once yikes 
76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: no and hopefully I never do 
77. Turned someone down: yea some weirdo dm’d me one time. don’t think that really counts though 
78. Sex on the first date: probably not 
79. Broken someone’s heart: nah
80. Had your heart broken: not really 
81. Been arrested: no!! not even the time I drove a golf cart through a fence can u believe it
82. Cried when someone died: yeah my grandma
83. Fallen for a friend: yes. lol oops DO YOU BELIEVE IN: 
84: Yourself: at times yes at other times no
85. Miracles: sure!! why not 
86. Love at first sight: I want to but realistically no 
87. Santa Claus: no lol
88. Kiss on the first date: if I’d liked them before for a while then yeah. if that was the first few times we met then probably not OTHER: 
90. Current best friend name: I have a few 
91. Eye color: brown
92. Favorite movie: I love legally blonde and mean girls and all the spiderman movies lol
That’s it!!! I don’t really have anyone to tag cuz I don’t talk to a lot of ppl on here but if u see this and want to do it u should!! cool bye
also sorry this is in weird formatting I don't really know how to work tumblr and im on mobile lol
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